Monday, October 1, 2012

Why is journal writing such an effective tool?

Journal "writing" has been around since the beginning of man kind. Early journal writing is quite archaic to our sophisticated minds, and consists of only pictures scribbled on walls or rocks. Never the less, the individual putting their thoughts into symbols was doing something that people still enjoy doing today, conveying their emotions through a visual medium. Whether they were attempting to communicate with future generations, each other, or maybe within themselves, written symbolic communication has always played an important role in human development.

Journal writing about one's feelings, thoughts, and experiences presents an individual with a wealth of knowledge about themselves not previously known. Reflecting on situations with a particular theme in mind, can help one find that common thread in their life that helps them find comfort and meaning. The common thread I would like you to find is GRATITUDE. This isn't about writing a list of ten things you are thankful for, or writing one thing a day that you are grateful for. This blog is a journal to an adventure! This adventure will help you to clearly see all of the wonderful things happening ALL around you! In order to be successful in journal writing you must be able to do a few things: Think and Write! That's it!! No one is going to be reading your journal writings, so write whatever you want however you want to write it! There are NO rules in journal writing. Yes, I will us the prompt "I feel" quite often, so you do need to be open to tapping into your inner feelings. But don't worry, this isn't a Freudian psychological exam! This is an easy, fun medium meant to draw you closer to a happy and content life.

I will be setting up a "journal writing" area within this blog that will allow you to answer and save questions.  I would like to encourage you to be as colorful and verbose as possible in your writing! This is about having fun with writing!
I can't wait to get started. Writing CAN be FUN....come back, I'll show you!!

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